وجدت دراسة أجرتها Mayo Clinic أن التلاعب وراثيًا بمستوى البروتين في خلايا سرطان القولون يمكن أن يحسِّن من فعالية المعالجة الكيميائية

قد تتحسَّن نتائج سرطان القولون والمستقيم عن طريق تغيير بروتين المناعة التنظيمية وراثيًا في خلايا السرطان، مما يجعل الخلايا أكثر عُرضة للمعالجة الكيميائية. هذا وفقًا لبحوث جديدة أجرتها Mayo Clinic.

It takes a community to lower cardiovascular risk

People in sixteen communities received usual care and those in 14 communities had an intervention that included the initiation and monitoring of treatments and controlling risk factors by non-physician health workers using computer tablet-based management algorithms and counselling; the provision of free antihypertensive and statin medicines recommended by non-physician health workers under supervision of physicians, and the involvement of a friend or family member to support adherence to medications and lifestyle advice.

Weight-Loss Surgery Associated with 40% Reduction in Risk of Death and Heart Complications in Patients with Diabetes and Obesity, Study Shows

A large Cleveland Clinic study shows that weight-loss surgery performed in patients with type 2 diabetes and obesity is associated with a lower risk of death and major adverse cardiovascular events than usual medical care. These patients also lost more weight, had better diabetes control, and used fewer medications for treatment of their diabetes and cardiovascular disease than those undergoing usual medical care.

The observational study looked at nearly 2,300 patients who underwent metabolic surgery and 11,500 matched patients with similar characteristics who received usual medical care.

Disaster Mental Health Resources Available Now for Hurricane Response and Recovery

Catastrophic natural disasters, such as hurricanes, cause extreme disruption and can be distressful for individuals, families and communities. Those receiving assistance as well as those involved in disaster management efforts can be affected. The Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences’ Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress has released 12 new resources to aid in the response and recovery efforts for affected communities.

Impact of climate change on global banana yields revealed

Climate change could negatively impact banana cultivation in some of the world’s most important producing and exporting countries, a study has revealed. Bananas are recognised as the most important fruit crop – providing food, nutrition and income for millions in…

Study finds increase in women giving TED talks but not ethnic minorities

Women gave more than half of TED talks in the first half of 2017, up from less than one-third in 2006, according to a new study published in Political Research Exchange . But the German research team also found that…