ADLM releases guidance to help healthcare professionals navigate respiratory virus testing in a post-COVID world

The Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (ADLM, formerly AACC) has issued a new guidance document that provides expert recommendations on fundamental areas of clinical testing for respiratory viral infections. As respiratory virus testing continues to evolve rapidly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, this guidance aims to ensure that patients benefit fully from emerging technologies in this field.

نصائح خبراء مايو كلينك لحماية رئتيك وسط أدخنة حرائق الغابات

عند اندلاع حرائق الغابات يواجه سكان المنطقة وفي بعض الأحيان المناطق خارجها، صعوبة متزايدة في التنفس. حيث تحمل الرياح الدخان لمسافة العديد من مئات الأميال من موقع الحريق الفعلي وفقًا لتصريح الطبيب كلايتون كاول، دكتور في الطب والذي يعمل كطبيب أمراض الرئة وعلم السموم الإكلينيكي في مايو كلينك.

Respiratory doctor can talk about causes of seasonal allergies

Do-Yeon Cho, M.D., respiratory researcher and expert at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, can comment on seasonal respiratory system irritation and disease, such as: causes and prevention of seasonal allergies during the warmer weather upper respiratory airway diseases Cho…

Respiratory doctor can talk about causes of seasonal allergies

Do-Yeon Cho, M.D., respiratory researcher and expertat the University of Alabama at Birmingham, can comment on seasonal respiratory system irritation and disease, such as: causes and prevention of seasonal allergies during the warmer weather upper respiratory airway diseases  Cho is…