For Muslims with epilepsy, intermittent fasting is not only a highly valued religious practice but a possible method to improve seizure control. The findings of a recent study may be able to guide epilepsy professionals in advising Muslims who want to participate in Ramadan.
Tag: Ramadan
Cómo controlar su salud durante el ayuno de Ramadán
El ayuno durante el Ramadán consiste en abstenerse de comer y beber desde el amanecer hasta el atardecer. Según el área geográfica y la época del año en que ocurre el Ramadán, el ayuno diario puede variar de tan solo 10 horas en los meses invernales a más de 17 horas durante el verano.
إدارة صحتك خلال صيام رمضان
مدينة روتشستر، ولاية مينيسوتا — يتضمن الصيام خلال شهر رمضان الامتناع عن الطعام والشراب من الفجر حتى غروب الشمس. وقد يتراوح وقت الصيام اليومي ما بين 10 ساعات في أشهر الشتاء إلى أكثر من 17 ساعة في أشهر الصيف حسب الموقع الجغرافي ووقت قدوم شهر رمضان من العام. ينبغي ألا يكون لهذا الصيام اليومي تأثير سلبي على صحة معظم الأفراد.
Cuidados com a sua saúde durante o jejum no Ramadã
O jejum no Ramadã envolve a abstinência de alimentos e bebidas do amanhecer até o pôr do sol. Durante o Ramadã, dependendo da localização e do período do ano, o jejum diário pode variar de apenas 10 horas nos meses de inverno a mais de 17 horas durante o verão.
Managing your health during Ramadan fasting
Fasting during Ramadan involves abstaining from food and drink from dawn to sunset. Depending on geography and the time of year when Ramadan occurs, daily fasting can range from as little as 10 hours in the winter months to more than 17 hours during the summer.
Expert can discuss Ramadan in the heart of COVID-19
Professor Muqtedar Khan is available to discuss Ramadan and the impacts that COVID-19 will have on the Muslim holy month. Khan, an expert in U.S. foreign policy, Islamic political thought and governance, can do interviews on the following topics: –…
Best Practices for Faith-Based Organizations Amidst Holy Holidays, Rutgers Expert Available
John J. Farmer, Jr., director of Rutgers’ Miller Center for Community Protection and Resilience, is available to discuss best practices for faith communities as they adjust holy holiday celebrations to comply with Centers for Disease Control social distancing guidelines. “As…