As communities are flooded with pickleball courts to satiate the hunger for the snack-named game, HOAs and city councils face litigation by those whose lives are disrupted by pickleball’s din. The sport is uniquely noisy due to the hard paddles and balls, and the popping sound the game produces is sharp and persistent. Charles Leahy used his legal expertise and mechanical engineering experience to investigate how communities respond to the pickleball problem. Leahy will present his findings and recommendations for limiting pickleball noise at the 186th ASA Meeting.
Tag: pickleball
Pickleball Craze! Orthopaedic experts offer strategies to prevent racket sport injuries.
ROSEMONT, Ill. (April 22, 2024)—As the sport of pickleball gains popularity, research shows that fractures have skyrocketed with a 90-fold increase from 2002-2022 and a notable surge since 2020. Despite its reputation as a low-impact sport, the American Academy of Orthopaedic…
PT Professor Offers Top 5 Tips for Preventing Pickleball Injuries
Elizabeth Chaffin PT, DPT, an assistant professor and the Director of Clinical Education in the Department of Physical Therapy at PCOM Georgia, offered her top five tips on preventing pickleball injuries and staying on the court longer.
Cómo prevenir lesiones al jugar al pickleball
El juego pickleball está ganando popularidad en todo el mundo. Se puede jugar a cualquier edad y con cualquier nivel de habilidad. Si bien muchas personas pueden suponer que el pickleball es un deporte más lento y de menor impacto, los expertos de Mayo Clinic dicen que es importante recordar que las lesiones por jugar al pickleball pueden ocurrir y ocurren.