Chulalongkorn Unveils “Microalbuminuria Rapid Test”: Easy, Accurate, Ready for Commercial Use

Ms. Supamas Isarabhakdi, Minister of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation, attended the launching of the innovative Microalbuminuria Rapid Test developed by a team of experts and researchers from the Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University. The test, which is convenient and easy to use and offers high accuracy, allows users to self-screen for kidney damage, giving it commercial potential in order to enhance Thailand’s healthcare system. It is expected for distribution in mid-2024.

A New Beverage with “Blue Pea Flower and Banana Stem Extract” to Reduce the Risk of Urinary Stone Formation — Another Medical Innovation from MED – CU

Drinking too little water each day increases the risk of urinary stones. Recently, the Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University has successfully developed a concentrated beverage from blue pea flowers and banana stems to reduce the risk of urinary stones formation.