When testing Einstein’s theory of general relativity, small modeling errors add up fast

Small modeling errors may accumulate faster than previously expected when physicists combine multiple gravitational wave events (such as colliding black holes) to test Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity, suggest researchers at the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom.…

Cosmic rays: Coronal mass ejections and cosmic ray observations at Syowa Station in the Antarctic

Solar activities, such as CME(Coronal Mass Ejection), cause geomagnetic storm that is a temporary disturbance of the Earth’s magnetosphere. Geomagnetic storms can affect GPS positioning, radio communication, and power transmission system. Solar explosions also emit radiation, which can affect satellite…

Four collaborative research centres at Goethe University receiving funding

German Research Foundation funds new CRC Transregio 326 „Geometry and arithmetic of uniformized structures” – CRC 1039 on medical signal path research enters third funding period – Goethe University involved in two further CRC-Transregios

Key to Carbon-Free Cars? Look to the Stars

In a decade-long quest, scientists at Berkeley Lab, the University of Hawaii, and Florida International University uncover new clues to the origins of the universe – and land new chemistry for cleaner combustion engines

Holes in the solar atmosphere: Artificial intelligence spots coronal holes to automate space weather

Scientists from the University of Graz (Austria), Skoltech and their colleagues from the US and Germany have developed a new neural network that can reliably detect coronal holes from space-based observations. This application paves the way for more reliable space…

Experiments validate the possibility of helium rain in Jupiter and Saturn

An international team of researchers, including scientists from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission, the University of Rochester and the University of California, Berkeley, detail experimental evidence validating the existence of helium rain inside of planets like Jupiter and Saturn, supporting a nearly 40-year-old hypothesis.