COVID-19, a novel corona virus, has most schools adopting an online teaching model and this is causing stress for students, parents, and teachers but the fear of the unknown can be alleviated with some help from the experts.
Natalie B. Milman, professor of educational technology and director of the Educational Technology Leadership Program at the George Washington University. Her research focuses on the design of instruction and models for the effective leadership and integration of technology at all academic levels; online student support needs, engagement, and learning.
You can find some of her suggestions for remote teaching on her Twitter feed here:
Distance Learning
Emergency Remote Teaching
Milman’s most recent book is entitled, “Teaching Models: Designing Instruction for 21st Century Learners.” She has appeared as a guest on the GW Graduate School of Education and Human Development produced podcast, EdFix discussing the educational technology, online learning, and the digital access divide.
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