Solar cells for the Internet of Things

Perovskia Solar has won more than ten leading companies from the Internet of Things (IoT) industry as customers and received over two million Swiss francs in seed capital. The multi-award-winning Empa spin-off prints customized solar cells for almost any electronic device. These can be produced cost-effectively – and even work indoors.

ELRIG Drug Discovery 2021 Hosts Six SLAS Innovation AveNEW Companies

The Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening (SLAS) will host its popular Innovation AveNEW for startups at Drug Discovery 2021 in Liverpool, UK on October 19-20. Presented by The European Laboratory Research & Innovation Group (ELRIG), Drug Discovery 2021 returns to an in-person meeting format with a mission to engage quality discussions on key issues and future directions in preclinical drug discovery.

Forty Acres Founders Pre-Accelorator Program Partners with Bank of America to Increase Diversity and Inclusion in Entrepreneurship

The Herb Kelleher Entrepreneurship Center in the McCombs School of Business at The University of Texas at Austin is pleased to announce a partnership with Bank of America designed to increase entrepreneurial diversity and inclusion by supporting the Forty Acres Founders Pre-Accelerator Program.