Indicators of high school grades and standardized test scores that take into account the levels of school, neighborhood, and family resources available to students are strongly associated with those students’ success in college, according to new research published today.
Tag: Standardized Testing
An antiracist approach to intelligence research: Q&A with LaTasha Holden
Traditional perceptions of intelligence may have created unfair limitations for students, especially those from historically marginalized communities. Beckman researcher and psychology professor LaTasha Holden believes that changing our fundamental understanding of what intelligence is can help develop antiracist practices and build a more equitable society.
The Medical Minute: A guide through standardized tests for you and your child
In May, students across the state will take their mandated Pennsylvania System of School Assessment exams, and for many the ritual tests more than their academic knowledge. How you can help your child cope with stress in this week’s Medical Minute.
Study: More multilingual and mental health staff needed to offset trauma experienced by refugees, displaced students and their teachers
The University at Buffalo study examined whether United States educational policies and practices helped or hindered school staff in supporting the needs of students who are refugees or displaced for reasons such as natural disasters.
Poor Internet connection leaves rural students behind
Slow Internet connections or limited access from homes in rural areas can contribute to students falling behind academically, according to a new report from Michigan State University’s Quello Center.