Chemical engineers have extended the ancient art of origami to produce intricate shapes made of glass or other hard materials. Their method, which can be combined with 3D printing, could have applications ranging from sculpture to catalysis. They will present their results at ACS Spring 2023.
Tag: Sculpture
3D Innovareef: Sculpture to Restore Thai Marine Ecosystem
The Veterinary Medical Aquatic Animal Research Center of Excellence (VMARCE), Chulalongkorn University has created Innovareef—lifelike cement-based structures, convenient for planula settlement and growth, accelerating recovery of the coral reef ecosystem, promoting eco-tourism as well as functioning as smart stations for marine environmental monitoring.
Monumental Sculpture by Jeff Koons Debuts at Jacobs Medical Center
A new monumental sculpture by artist Jeff Koons debuts as part of the 150-piece Healing Arts Collection at the UC San Diego Health hospital. The artwork, titled Party Hat (Orange), was purchased 15 years ago by longtime university donors Joan and Irwin Jacobs while it was still in production. The larger-than-life metallic party hat reflects the transformative power of the healing that happens on the premises, as well as the celebration of new life at the hospital’s Birth Center.
Why So Few Black Skiers and Ballet Dancers?
A new book, The Color of Culture, is the first to show with statistical rigor the much lower participation rates of Black vs. white Americans in a nine recreational and cultural activities, from golf to painting. It uses statistical techniques to show that systemic racism explains the discrepancy.