Queen’s University Belfast has chosen Figshare as its new repository platform to store, showcase and manage its research data and theses outputs.
Tag: Repository
The University of Limpopo chooses Figshare to support its research excellence strategy
The University of Limpopo has chosen Figshare to facilitate the collection, management, sharing and preservation of its research data.
Appalachian State University chooses Figshare as its new institutional repository platform
Appalachian State University has chosen Figshare as its new institutional repository platform to share, showcase and manage its research outputs.
University of the Witwatersrand chooses Figshare to support its open data goals
The University of the Witwatersrand Library has chosen Figshare to support its research community with archiving, publishing, sharing and promoting their datasets.
BIMM University chooses Figshare to showcase its non-traditional research and creative practitioner outputs
Figshare is pleased to announce that BIMM University has chosen Figshare to support the sharing, showcasing and management of its non-traditional research outputs (NTROs).
New Collaboration Between RCSB Protein Data Bank and Amazon Web Services Provides Expanded Data Storage and Access to Researchers Worldwide
The Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics Protein Data Bank (RCSB PDB), headquartered at the Rutgers Institute for Quantitative Biomedicine, announces the expansion of its data storage capacity through the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Open Data Sponsorship Program. The AWS program is providing the RCSB PDB with more than 100 terabytes of storage for no-cost delivery of Protein Data Bank information to millions of scientists, educators, and students around the world working in fundamental biology, biomedicine, bioenergy, and bioengineering/biotechnology.
Underground tests dig into how heat affects salt-bed repository behavior
Scientists from Sandia, Los Alamos and Lawrence Berkeley national laboratories have just begun the third phase of a years-long experiment to understand how salt and very salty water behave near hot nuclear waste containers in a salt-bed repository.Salt’s unique physical properties can be used to provide safe disposal of radioactive waste, said Kristopher Kuhlman, a Sandia geoscientist and technical lead for the project.