The CNRS 2021 Innovation Medal laureates

Antoine Aiello, Nora Dempsey, François Jérôme and Amanda Silva Brun are the four recipients of the CNRS 2021 Innovation Medal. Created 10 years ago, this distinction honours people whose outstanding research has led to significant technological, economic, therapeutic or social…

Dutch researchers establish the first entanglement-based quantum network

A team of researchers from QuTech in the Netherlands reports realization of the first multi-node quantum network, connecting three quantum processors. In addition, they achieved a proof-of-principle demonstration of key quantum network protocols. Their findings mark an important milestone towards…

Titanium dioxide stars in the first IFJ PAN research at the Cracow synchrotron

Few compounds are as important to industry and medicine today as titanium dioxide. Despite the variety and popularity of its applications, many issues related to the surface structure of materials made of this compound and the processes taking place therein…

3D design leads to first stable and strong self-assembling 1D nanographene wires

Nanographene is flexible, yet stronger than steel. With unique physical and electronic properties, the material consists of carbon molecules only one atom thick arranged in a honeycomb shape. Still early in technological development, current fabrication methods require the addition of…

Researchers develop third and final ‘made-to-order’ nanotube synthesis technique

The current method of manufacturing carbon nanotubes–in essence rolled up sheets of graphene–is unable to allow complete control over their diameter, length and type. This problem has recently been solved for two of the three different types of nanotubes, but…

A Skoltech method helps model the behavior of 2D materials under pressure

Scientists from the Skoltech Center for Energy Science and Technology (CEST) have developed a method for modeling the behavior of 2D materials under pressure. The research will help create pressure sensors based on silicene or other 2D materials. The paper…

UMass Amherst food scientist honored with top awards

Eric Decker, professor of food science, has recently received the two top awards in his field – the American Oil Chemists’ Society’s (AOCS) Supelco/Nicholas Pelick Research Award and the Institute of Food Technologist’s (IFT) Lifetime Achievement Award in Honor of…

First steps towards revolutionary ULTRARAM™ memory chips

A new type of universal computer memory – ULTRARAM™ – has taken a step closer towards development with a successful experiment by Lancaster physicists. Professor Manus Hayne, who is leading the research, commented: “These new results confirm the astonishing properties…

The Protein Society announces its 2021 award recipients

The Protein Society, the premier international society dedicated to supporting protein research, announces the winners of the 2021 Protein Society Awards, which will be conferred at the 35th Anniversary Symposium (virtual), July 7 – 14, 2021. Plenary talks from award…

Contact lenses poised to detect cancer, treat disease and replace digital screens

Newly-published “contact lens technologies of the future” paper reviews innovative uses for disease detection and therapy, drug delivery, vision enhancement and mor

New nanotransistors keep their cool at high voltages

Power converters are the little-known systems that make electricity so magical. They are what allow us to plug in our computers, lamps and televisions and turn them on in a snap. Converters transform the alternating current (AC) that comes out…

New automated process makes nanofiber fabrication assessment 30% more accurate

Imbued with special electric, mechanical and other physical properties due to their tiny size, nanofibers are considered leading-edge technology in biomedical engineering, clean energy and water quality control, among others. Now, researchers in Italy and UK have developed an automatic…

E. Coli calculus: Bacteria find the derivative optimally

Tokyo, Japan – Scientists from the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology at The University of Tokyo calculated the efficiency of the sensory network that bacteria use to move towards food and found it to be optimal from an…

Electrochemical synthesis of formate from CO2 using a Sn/reduced graphene oxide catalyst

[Background] Decreasing the emission and efficient utilization (fixation) of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) are worldwide issues to prevent global warming. Promotion of the use of renewable energy is effective in reducing CO 2 emissions. However, since there are large…