New psychology research indicates that multilingual children may have enhanced executive function and perspective taking skills.
Tag: Multilingual
Bot gives nonnative speakers the floor in videoconferencing
Native speakers often dominate the discussion in multilingual online meetings, but adding an automated participant that periodically interrupts the conversation can help nonnative speakers get a word in edgewise, according to new research at Cornell.
Study: More multilingual and mental health staff needed to offset trauma experienced by refugees, displaced students and their teachers
The University at Buffalo study examined whether United States educational policies and practices helped or hindered school staff in supporting the needs of students who are refugees or displaced for reasons such as natural disasters.
Accent Perception Depends on Backgrounds of Speaker, Listener
Visual cues can change listeners’ perception of others’ accents, and people’s past exposure to varied speech can also impact their perception of accents. Ethan Kutlu will discuss his team’s work testing the impact that visual input and linguistic diversity has on listeners’ perceived accentedness judgments in two different locations: Gainesville, Florida, and Montreal, Canada. The session will take place Dec. 9 as part of the 179th ASA Meeting.