New Study Shows Mobile Mammography Reach is Highest in Underserved Groups with Low Breast Cancer Screening Adherence

A recent study by the Harvey L. Neiman Health Policy Institute demonstrates that mobile mammography is generally used by women otherwise unlikely to be screened, and thus is complementary to facility-based mammography rather than a substitute for it. Hence, mobile mammography could feasibly increase breast cancer screening rates, especially in traditionally underserved communities. This study, published in Clinical Breast Cancer, was based on 2.6 million women with Medicare fee-for-service insurance during the 2004-2021 period.

New Study Finds COVID-19 Impact on Community Radiology Practices

The COVID-19 pandemic has quickly spread across all 50 United States. Associated recommendations that healthcare facilities defer non-urgent visits, tests, and procedures led many imaging facilities to temporarily curtail most of their non-urgent services. This new Neiman Institute study characterizes the recent declines in non-invasive imaging volumes at community practices.