Article title: CFTR and PC2, partners in the primary cilia in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease Authors: Murali K. Yanda, Cristian Ciobanu, William B. Guggino, Liudmila Cebotaru From the authors: “Here we show that [cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR)]…
Tag: Cilia
Treadmill for microswimmers allows closer look at behavior
A new acoustic microfluidic method offers opportunities to conduct experiments with swimming cells and microorganisms. With it, ultrasonic waves like those used for imaging are able to hold a cell’s body in place without affecting the way it swims.
Push, pull or swirl: The many movements of cilia
A research team from Washington University in St. Lous has developed a model to explain how cilia beat.
Amoeba Biology Reveals Potential Treatment Target for Lung Disease
In a series of experiments that began with amoebas — single-celled organisms that extend podlike appendages to move around — Johns Hopkins Medicine scientists say they have identified a genetic pathway that could be activated to help sweep out mucus from the lungs of people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease a widespread lung ailment.