High rates of firearm injury among urban Black men in the U.S. can lead to long physical and psychological recovery times, worsened by limited access to mental health services.
Tag: therese richmond
Return to Work and the Path to Recovery after Serious Injury in Black Men
After a traumatic injury, returning to work (RTW) can be a strong indication of healing and rehabilitation and may play a pivotal role in promoting physical and functional recovery. But how does RTW after a traumatic injury affect mental health recovery, particularly in individuals who experience social and economic marginalization?
Re-envisioning the Nursing PhD Degree
The PhD degree prepares nurse scientists to advance knowledge through research that improves health, translates into policy, and enhances education. However, as the role of the nurse has changed, and health care has grown more complex, there is a need to re-envision how PhD programs can attract, retain, and create the nurse-scientists of the future and improve patient care.
A New Approach to Aiding Black Male Trauma Survivors
Many Black men suffer symptoms of traumatic stress in the aftermath of traumatic injury, and they also often carry social concerns, including experiences of discrimination and stigma. Yet despite their significant needs, underserved populations often have limited access to behavioral health care as well as a lack of financial resources to pay for such care. Because of these barriers, many trauma survivors do not seek professional behavioral health care and instead rely on informal or alternative sources of care.
Firearm Violence Solutions from a Public Health Perspective
While firearm violence is a major public health challenge in the United States, it has often been considered a law enforcement issue with only law enforcement solutions. An article by two University of Pennsylvania researchers advises that treating firearm violence as a disease and taking a public health approach to prevention and treatment can help reduce its harms.
For the Third Consecutive Year, Penn Nursing is # 1 in NIH Funding
The University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing (Penn Nursing) retains its top spot for research funding for the 2019 fiscal year, among other schools of nursing, with $11.3 million in awards from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).