AGU Fall Meeting: Press event schedule and online media center now live

WASHINGTON–The press conference schedule and online media center are now live for Fall Meeting 2020, when more than 20,000 attendees from 110 countries are expected to assemble virtually for the largest worldwide conference in the Earth and space sciences. This…

Tree rings may hold clues to impacts of distant supernovas on Earth

Massive explosions of energy happening thousands of light-years from Earth may have left traces in our planet’s biology and geology, according to new research by University of Colorado Boulder geoscientist Robert Brakenridge. The study, published this month in the International…

The role of the Sun in the spread of viral respiratory diseases

Why do most viral epidemics spread cyclically in autumn and winter in the globe’s temperate regions? According to an interdisciplinary team of researchers of the Italian National Institute for Astrophysics, the University of Milan, the Lombardy regional agency for the…

Researchers find “missing link” between magnetars and rotation-powered pulsars

Researchers from the RIKEN Cluster for Pioneering Research have made observations of a new magnetar, called Swift J1818.0-1607, which challenges current knowledge about two types of extreme stars, known as magnetars and pulsars. The research, just published in The Astrophysical…