Over the years, edibles have risen in popularity and have grown to mimic many popular, well-known candy packaging such as Sweet Tartz, Sour Patch Kids, gummy bears and more. The packaging for the THC edibles contain potentially dangerous amounts of…
Tag: Poison Control
How to Prevent Potential Poisonings During the Back to School Rush
Rutgers poison expert offers tips to prevent children of all ages from coming into contact with poisons at home and school
‘Tis The Season for Home Holiday Hazards
The holidays are an exciting and busy time of year. Whether you’re traveling, hosting or attending a gathering, or just cozying up at home, the holidays are filled with potential hazards that could ruin your holiday cheer.
Poison Control Center Tips on Preventing Illness this Holiday Season
A Rutgers New Jersey Poison Control Center expert discusses how children and adults can reduce risks of poisoning
Poison control: Chasing the antidote
A fast-acting antidote to mitigate the effects of organophosphate poisoning requires a reactivator that can effectively and efficiently cross the blood-brain barrier, bind loosely to the enzyme, chemically snatch the poison and then leave quickly. Oak Ridge National Laboratory is using neutron diffraction data towards improving a novel reactivator design.
Rutgers Poison Control Experts Available to Discuss Dangers of Infusing Drugs in Candy
Twenty-four New Jersey residents were charged this week for infusing traditional store-bought candies such as Sour Patch Kids and Nerd Ropes with THC, a chemical found in marijuana, to create edibles packaged in colorful packaging for resale. Poison Control experts…