A Clinic for Ovarian Cancer ‘Previvors’

When Elisa Schoenfeld, a child development specialist, learned she had tested positive for a BRCA gene mutation, she knew it raised her risk for breast and ovarian cancer. She and her daughter, Amira, who received similar genetic test results, visited the BRCA Ovarian Previvor Clinic at Cedars-Sinai.

Risks of removing ovaries at benign hysterectomy may outweigh the benefits for women at low risk for ovarian cancer

An emulated target trial of more than 140,000 women in Denmark found that removing the ovaries at benign hysterectomy was associated with increased risk for cardiovascular disease in younger women and cancer in older women at low risk for ovarian cancer. These findings support current recommendations for preserving ovaries in premenopausal patients. The findings are published in Annals of Internal Medicine.