American Society of Anesthesiologists Launches ‘SafeHaven’ to Deliver Resources to Combat Burnout, Promote Mental Health

The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) today announced the launch of its new wellness initiative SafeHaven, a program created by clinicians for clinicians, offering personalized assistance to help combat stress and burnout. ASA, in partnership with the ASA Charitable Foundation and VITAL WorkLife, the leading mental health and well-being expert for health care organizations and their workforces, are providing the resource to anesthesiologists at a time when reports of physician burnout are at an all-time high.

Counselors need better training to help BIPOC clients, educators say

Counselors need to learn a form of interaction called cultural empathy, which involves honoring racial and cultural differences to better grasp a client’s experiences, according to a new journal article in Counseling Education and Supervision, a journal of the American Counseling Association.

Racial justice in counselor training the focus of journal special issue

Many people of color live in areas devoid of mental health services or may receive treatments that fit poorly with their cultural values or complicate their racial trauma. A critical response to this inequity is better anti-racism education for counselors in training, educators say. More in the June special issue of Counselor Education and Supervision.