Instead of tea with sugar: soybean molasses helped tea fungus to produce more bacterial cellulose.

Scientists tested different methods of obtaining bacterial cellulose on the base of tea fungus. It turned out that when they grow on soybean molasses, microorganisms produce more by 57% of this product than on the base of tea with sugar. This method will make the production cheaper, because soybean molasses is a by-product of soybean processing, that is obtained in great amount at factories. Thanks to such cheap and accessible substrate it will be possible to produce bacterial cellulose, that is used in medicine for wound healing and neogenesis, industrially. Results of the research supported by the grant of Russian Scientific Foundation (RSF), are published in the magazine Food Science and Technology.

Injectable, radioactive gel synergizes with chemotherapy to shrink pancreatic tumors

NIBIB-funded researchers are developing a new method to treat pancreatic cancer. In their study, they combined an injectable radioactive gel with systemic chemotherapy in multiple mouse models of the disease. The treatment resulted in tumor regression in all evaluated models, an unprecedented result for this genetically diverse and aggressive type of cancer.