With New York State schools shut down for the foreseeable future because of the coronavirus pandemic, parents with school-age children are now adding teaching to their list of parental duties.
For most parents, this may be an unfamiliar role. Wendy Paterson, dean of the School of Education at Buffalo State College, shared her advice for parents faced with this new responsibility.
Paterson, a two-time graduate of Buffalo State who began her teaching career in 1976 as a reading specialist in the Kenmore-Tonawanda public schools, began working in higher education in 1983. She’s been the dean of the School of Education at Buffalo State since 2012. An expert on education, Paterson is well-suited to help parents through this strange time.
The School of Education has also built an online resource for parents.
Paterson’s ideas on how to keep kids interested during this period of home-learning can be found here: https://newsandevents.buffalostate.edu/news/ask-expert-how-do-i-keep-my-kids-engaged-learning-home
Original post https://alertarticles.info