Research to use human-vehicle collaboration to improve trust in autonomous vehicles

Orono, Maine — A $500,000 National Science Foundation research grant to the University of Maine to study self-driving vehicles aims to make the transportation of the future more accessible, usable and trustworthy. The project, co-led by Nicholas Giudice and Richard…

Electric car charging stations may be portals for power grid cyberattacks

BROOKLYN, New York, Wednesday, August 14, 2019 – Electric cars are an essential component of a lower-carbon future, but a new report from researchers at the New York University Tandon School of Engineering raises the specter that plug-in electric vehicles…

Researchers use blockchain to drive electric-vehicle infrastructure

Researchers at the University of Waterloo have integrated the use of blockchain into energy systems, a development that could result in expanded charging infrastructure for electric vehicles. In a study that outlines the new blockchain-oriented charging system, the researchers found…