Generation and multiplexing of double-polarized terahertz vortex combs

Electromagnetic waves with vortex-shape, namely vortex beams, are important in various fields. However, multi-mode OAM beams are rarely seen. To solve this, the researchers in China propose a metasurface design scheme that generates double-polarized vortex combs in the terahertz band, with flexible control of the mode numbers, positions, and intervals.

Metasurfaces: tiny tech with big potential

Metasurfaces, ultra-thin films of nanostructures, hold immense promise for manipulating light with unprecedented control. However, their full potential hinges on overcoming the challenge of crafting these intricate patterns at large scales and high resolutions. This review explores the current nanofabrication techniques, including maskless and masked lithography, exploring their strengths and limitations. By understanding these constraints, we can pave the way for advanced nanophotonic applications powered by these light-bending marvels.