Tea Time Gets Flavor Boost from Thin Film, Impure Water

In Physics of Fluids, researchers describe how they applied rheology to the seemingly quaint purpose of improving the quality of a cup of black tea. They describe the interfacial phenomenon in a cup left to cool after steeping, when a thin film at the air-water interface can form, and assess the mechanical properties of the film, the formation of which is affected by water hardness, acidity, sugar or milk, tea concentration, and brewing temperature.

Normal Breathing Sends Saliva Droplets 7 Feet; Masks Shorten This

The WHO and the CDC recommend keeping a certain distance between people to prevent the spread of COVID-19. These social distancing recommendations are estimated from a variety of studies, but further research about the precise mechanism of virus transport is still needed. In Physics of Fluids, researchers demonstrate normal breathing indoors without a mask can transport saliva droplets capable of carrying virus particles to a distance of 2.2 meters in a matter of 90 seconds.