From accessibility upgrades to a custom cat-food bowl, this mobile 3D printer can autonomously add features to a room

University of Washington researchers created MobiPrint, a mobile 3D printer that can automatically measure a room and print objects onto the floor. The team’s graphic interface lets users design objects in a space that the robot has mapped out. The prototype, which the team built on a modified consumer vacuum robot, can add a range of objects to rooms.

SLAS Technology’s August Issue “Review of Low-Cost 3D Bioprinters: State of the Market and Observed Future Trends” Now Available

The August edition of SLAS Technology features the cover article, “Review of Low-Cost 3D Bioprinters: State of the Market and Observed Future Trends” by Anh Tong, Quang Long Pham, Ph.D., Paul Abatemarco, Austin Mathew, Dhruv Gupta, Siddharth Iyer and Roman Voronov (New Jersey Institute of Technology Newark College of Engineering, Newark, NJ, USA).

Blood Shortage on the Battlefield? Just Make It On-site

A new program launched by the Department of Defense could be the answer to blood shortages on the battlefield, other remote locations, and in hospitals. The Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences’ 4D Bio3 On-Demand Blood Program, or 4D Bio3 Blood, has developed highly efficient protocols and technology to generate red blood cells from stem cells. A key part of this technology is large-scale cell expansion at low cost, producing sufficient red blood cells for treatment in trauma care. This technology is also being adapted to create neutrophils, ultimately allowing for whole blood transfusion using these methods in the future.