Expert available: CDC releases new IUD pain management guidelines

Clinical expert available to speak about CDC’s new IUD pain management guidelines

In light of the intrauterine device (IUD) insertion pain management guidelines just released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Nicole Ferschke, an assistant clinical professor in at Northern Arizona University, is available to share commentary on the importance of nationally issued guidelines and the experience of IUD insertion from both the patients’ and providers’ perspectives.

Nicole can speak about:

  • Why it’s important for medical providers who insert IUDs to have pain management guidance
  • The wide spectrum of pain patients experience during and after IUD insertion
  • What the CDC’s guidance gets right, and where it falls short

About Nicole Ferschke

Nicole Ferschke is a doctoral student, assistant clinical professor and clinical coordinator in NAU’s Department of Physician Assistant Studies. She teaches much of the women’s health content in NAU’s Foundations of Clinical Practice course and oversees the female urogenital exam and IUD insertion labs. Her doctoral capstone project focuses on the rise in congenital syphilis in the Navajo Nation. She is a certified physician assistant with a bachelor’s degree from NAU and two master’s degrees from Midwestern University.


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