During a dive through archival data, astronomers unearth an unusual tidal disruption event that occurred in a nearby star-forming galaxy. Obscured by the interstellar medium, this incredibly close and luminous event went unnoticed for seven years. The SOAR telescope’s integral role in pinpointing its uncommon location illustrates how future searches for tidal disruption events will be conducted.
Tag: tidal disruption event
Una enigmática escena de crimen cósmico
Durante una inmersión en datos de archivo, los astrónomos desenterraron un inusual evento de disrupción de marea que ocurrió en una galaxia cercana con formación estelar. Oculto por el medio interestelar, este evento increíblemente cercano y luminoso pasó desapercibido durante siete años. El rol fundamental que desempeñó el Telescopio SOAR en la localización de este curioso fenómeno es una muestra de cómo se llevarán a cabo las futuras búsquedas de eventos de disrupción de marea.
Tidal shocks can light up the remains of a star being pulled apart by a black hole
A new study sheds light on the bright outbursts of radiation that are created when a star is destroyed by a supermassive black hole. The outbursts do not necessarily form in the close vicinity of the black hole, but are created by tidal shocks that occur when gas from the destroyed star hits itself while circling the black hole.
Astronomers using Hubble have recorded a star getting swallowed by a giant black hole. Hubble didn’t observe the mayhem directly, but captured spectral fingerprints that provide clues as to how a star gets shredded as it is devoured.
Researchers spot rare luminous jet spewed by supermassive black hole
A University of Minnesota Twin Cities assistant professor is co-leading a team that discovered a bright optical flare which may help researchers better understand the physics of supermassive black holes billions of light years away.