National CRNA Week: The House of Representatives Recognizes the Contributions of CRNAs

In honor of National CRNA Week (Jan. 19-25, 2025), U.S. House Representatives Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) Dave Joyce (R-OH) Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR), Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA), Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) and Paul Tonko (D-NY) again introduced a bipartisan House Resolution on the House floor, “Recognizing the roles and the contributions of America’s Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) and their critical role in providing quality healthcare for the public and the nation’s armed forces for more than 150 years and through multiple public health emergencies and beyond.”

AANA Celebrates Healthcare Quality Week With The Contributions of CRNAs to Patient Safety and Care

Every October, Healthcare Quality Week (HQW) is a dedicated time to acknowledge the progress made by healthcare and quality professionals toward improving patient healing and recovery. AANA applauds the work of healthcare workers, including Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs), also known as nurse anesthesiologists or nurse anesthetists, who each day provide patients with access to the safe, high-quality care essential to positive healthcare outcomes.

AANA Launches New Micro-Credentialing Program, PROficiency

AANA launched its new micro-credentialing program, PROficiency, during the AANA Annual Congress, held August 2-6, 2024, in San Diego. Micro-credentials are compact competency-based qualifications which demonstrate a learner has evolving knowledge in specified areas which expand or protect scope of practice and/or improve patient care.

AANA Presents U.S. Representative Elissa Slotkin With National Health Leadership Award

The American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology (AANA) recognized U.S. Representative Elissa Slotkin (D-MI) as the winner of its National Health Leadership Award for 2024 at its Mid-Year Assembly, April 20-24, in Washington, DC.

AANA Emphasizes Access to Safe Dental Anesthesia Care in Recognition of National Children’s Dental Health Month

February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, and the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology (AANA) reminds parents and caregivers of the importance of not only knowing how to keep your child’s teeth healthy, but also ensuring that they have access to safe dental anesthesia care.

AANA Updates, Publishes Analgesia and Anesthesia Practice Considerations for The Substance Use Disorder Patient

To help ensure that patients with active substance use disorder, on medication-assisted treatment, or in abstinent recovery continue to receive high-quality, safe pain management and anesthesia care, the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology (AANA) has published its updated analgesia and anesthesia practice considerations.

AANA Recognizes World Anesthesia Day, Supports Better Care and Access for Anesthesia

American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology (AANA) recognizes World Anesthesia Day as an opportunity to honor the global-minded focus of better care and access for anesthesia. World Anesthesia Day commemorates the birth of anesthesia on October 16, 1846, when providers at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston demonstrated the use of ether for the first time on a patient.

American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology Urges VA to Issue Evidence-Based National Practice Standards

Dru Riddle, PhD, DNP, CRNA, FAAN, president of the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology (AANA) urged the Veterans Health Administration (VA) to develop National Standards of Practice for Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) that are grounded in evidence-based education and training standards, not politics, during a listening session on September 21.

America’s Veterans Deserve High Quality Anesthesia Care

During Congressional testimony today, the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology (AANA) urged the Veterans Affairs (VA) healthcare system to provide the same anesthesia care and services to our veterans as is in place in healthcare systems in 49 states. AANA President-Elect Jan Setnor, MSN, CRNA, Col. (Ret), USAFR, NC, in testimony before the House VA Committee Subcommittee on Health, defended Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists’ (CRNAs’) ability to deliver high-quality anesthesia care to all populations, including the complex needs of our nation’s veterans, as a result of their specialized and detailed anesthesia training.

Dru Riddle Begins Term as President of the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology

Dru Riddle, PhD, DNP, CRNA, FAAN, a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA), and resident of Fort Worth, Texas, recently took office as the 2023-2024 president of the nearly 61,000-member American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology (AANA), headquartered in Rosemont, Ill.

Annual Ira P. Gunn Award for Outstanding Professional Advocacy Award Presented to Michael MacKinnon

The American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology (AANA) presented Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Michael MacKinnon, DNP, FNP-C, CRNA, FAANA, with the 23rd Ira P. Gunn Award for Outstanding Professional Advocacy during its 2023 Annual Congress, August 18-22, in Seattle.

Alabama Patients Have Increased Access to Affordable, Quality Anesthesia Care

Alabama patients now have increased access to safe, affordable care with the signing today of HB 268 by Governor Kay Ivey. The law provides that, in addition to physicians and dentists, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) may provide anesthesia care under the direction of or in coordination with a physician, podiatrist, or dentist.

AANA Honors Our Nation’s Veterans, Calls for Increased Access to Care in the VA

This Veterans Day, the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology (AANA) thanks our nation’s veterans for their service and honors their sacrifices. The AANA also recognizes our military Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs), who are the primary providers of anesthesia care in the U.S. military and often the sole providers of anesthesia in austere environments.

To Provide Safe, High-Quality Care for Veterans, Congresswomen Requests Permanent Full Practice Authority for CRNAs

To expand access to safe, high-quality anesthesia services to veterans during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond, Congresswoman Lauren Underwood (IL-14) requested that Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) be granted full practice authority permanently across U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) facilities.