A 15-year study of a site in Bolivia by an international team led by Case Western Reserve University provides a comprehensive view of an ancient ecosystem when the Earth was much warmer than today
Tag: Bolivia
Cerrando la brecha terapéutica de la epilepsia en Bolivia: tres décadas de iniciativas
Au cours des trois dernières décennies, les chercheurs ont travaillé pour combler le fossé du traitement de l’épilepsie dans la région du Gran Chaco en Bolivie. Des projets tels que des enquêtes épidémiologiques, des campagnes de sensibilisation et des programmes éducatifs ont réduit l’écart de 40 %.
Closing the epilepsy treatment gap in Bolivia: Three decades of initiatives
Over the past three decades, researchers have worked to close the epilepsy treatment gap in the Gran Chaco area of Bolivia. Projects include epidemiological surveys, awareness campaigns, and educational programs. Teleconsultations and a smartphone app have been valuable tools.
Study: Over 330 Fish Species – up to 35 New to Science – Found in Bolivian National Park
The number of fish species recorded in Madidi National Park and Natural Integrated Management Area (PNANMI), Bolivia has doubled to a staggering 333 species – with as many as 35 species new to science – according of a study conducted as part of the Identidad Madidi expedition led by the Wildlife Conservation Society.
New Study Shows High Mercury Levels in Indigenous Latin American Women
Women in three Latin American countries who rely on fish for protein and live in proximity to gold mining activity have been found to have elevated mercury levels, according to a new study, Mercury Exposure of Women in Four Latin American Gold Mining Countries. The study was conducted by the International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN) together with Biodiversity Research Institute.
Bolivia’s Power Vacuum: What to Know
Election fraud allegations have prompted President Evo Morales to resign with no clear successor, plunging Bolivia into political uncertainty.