Rutgers Poison Control Expert Available to Discuss Dangers of TikTok “Challenges”

Diane Calello, Executive and Medical Director of the New Jersey Poison Center based at Rutgers University, is available to discuss the dangers of the TikTok “challenges,” like the “Benedryl challenge,” which recently killed a 13-year-old.

The following quotes from Dr. Calello can be used for pick-up:

“Internet challenges don’t tell you the truth, kids. They don’t tell you what happens after you take the challenge. Many challenges seem harmless, when in fact they can land you and your friends in the hospital with life-threatening complications of overdose. The danger is real. Ignore challenges that involves swallowing or inhaling products and substances — your life depends on it. If you have questions about the potential dangers of a challenge or someone is sick after completing a challenge, call our specialists at the poison center to get the medical help you need right where you are, 1-800-222-1222. Our help is free, confidential/private, and available 24/7. Anyone can call — kids, teens, and adults. If someone is not breathing, hard to wake up, or having a seizure, call 911.”

Media interested in speaking to Calello can contact Alicia Gambino at [email protected].


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