In addition to the conference, Professor Wang met with Professor Shuk Han Cheng, Executive Director of the Hong Kong Institute for Advanced Study (HKIAS) and Associate Vice-President (Research), and engaged in academic exchanges with Professor Xun-Li Wang, Chair Professor at Department of Physics as well as Professor Chunyi Zhi, Chair Professor at Department of Materials Science and Engineering. The meetings provided a platform for sharing research insights, discussing scientific advancements, and exploring potential collaborative projects.
Professor Wang’s visit to CityUHK not only enriched the academic atmosphere but also provided a valuable opportunity for researchers to engage in fruitful academic discussions.
Professor Enge Wang is one of the most prominent physicists in China. He is currently the University Chair Professor of Physics at Peking University. He was the Director of the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) (1999-2007), President of Peking University (2013-2015) and Vice President of CAS (2015-2017).