China reports world’s first human death due to bird flu. Get the latest news and expert commentary on bird flu on the Avian Flu channel

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), a woman from China has passed away from Avian Flu (H3N8), which is a strain of bird flu that is uncommon in humans. However, the WHO has confirmed that this particular strain does not appear to be transmissible from person to person. The patient had pre-existing medical conditions and a background of contact with live poultry, as stated by the WHO. In China, sporadic cases of bird flu in humans are frequent, given the constant circulation of avian flu viruses in the vast populations of domestic and wild birds.

Below are some of the latest headlines in the new Avian Flu channel on Newswise. 


 Bird Flu Associated with Hundreds of Seal Deaths in New England in 2022, Tufts Researchers Find

Avian influenza viruses could spawn the next human pandemic

Avian influenza: How It’s Spreading and What to Know About This Outbreak


Expert Pitches

Is Bird Flu the next pandemic? Ochsner Health Infectious Diseases expert available to discuss

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