“The poster describes mechanism of action studies of KL-50, a novel lead for the treatment of drug-resistant brain cancers. The compound is highly efficacious and well-tolerated in PDX models of drug-resistant glioblastoma,” said Dr. Herzon, a professor of Chemistry at Yale.
The compound generates a specific form of DNA damage, known as an “interstrand cross-link,” which is highly toxic to cells. Dr. Herzon said their new findings bolster their mechanistic model and suggests KL-50 may be extensible to other tumor types harboring specific DNA repair defects. Modifi Bio, a New Haven biotech startup, focused on curing brain cancers, is taking the next step with their findings on KL-50. Dr. Herzon said, “The compounds are currently being developed by Modifi bio with the goal of entering the clinic in 2025.”
Eric Huseman, Kingson Lin, Susan Gueble, and Ranjini Sundaram co-authored the study published in Science. Anna Lo, Olga Fedorova, and Anna M. Pyle contributed to the new data to be presented at the AACR meeting.
The Yale Departments of Chemistry, Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, Therapeutic Radiology, Pharmacology, and Pathology in New Haven, Conn., collaborated on the study.
Learn more about the Herzon Lab.