Study finds increase in women giving TED talks but not ethnic minorities

Women gave more than half of TED talks in the first half of 2017, up from less than one-third in 2006, according to a new study published in Political Research Exchange . But the German research team also found that…

Families continue to enjoy TV together — but potentially ruin it for each other

TV companies battling to preserve the shared experience of scheduled TV viewing in an era of 24/7 streaming and personalised viewing need more than binge-watching contracts and no-sleeping agreements to keep customers. Recently, Netflix introduced a binge-watching contract for couples…

Impulsive behaviour linked to sleep and screen time, CHEO study finds

August 14, 2019 — OTTAWA — A paper published today in Pediatrics suggests that children and youth who do not sleep enough and use screens more than recommended are more likely to act impulsively and make poorer decisions. The findings…