Optimal combination of organic and inorganic fertilizers enhances rice yield and sustainability in rice ratooning systems

A research team has revealed that the strategic combination of organic and inorganic fertilizers significantly improves soil nutrient supply, enhances rice growth, and boosts grain yield in rice ratooning systems. They identify an optimal fertilizer blend that could provide economic and ecological benefits, addressing labor shortages and environmental challenges in modern agriculture.

Accelerated urbanization in China has led to a significant migration of the rural population to cities, resulting in labor shortages and increased agricultural costs. This shift has prompted a transition from traditional double-cropping rice systems to single-cropping or mid-season rice production, particularly in southeastern regions. To combat these challenges, low-stubble mechanized rice ratooning technology has been adopted, offering a labor-saving, environmentally friendly, and efficient solution. However, optimizing fertilization practices remains critical to maximizing the yield and quality of both main and ratoon rice crops.

study (DOI: 10.48130/TIA-2023-0002) published in Technology in Agronomy on 10 February 2023, demonstrates the benefits of combined organic and inorganic fertilization.

The study employed a randomized complete block design (RCBD) to explore various configurations of organic and inorganic nitrogen fertilizers and their impact on rice growth and yield. Researchers tested different substitution rates of organic nitrogen for inorganic nitrogen over two growing seasons (2018-2019), focusing on the physiological attributes and yield performance of both main and ratoon rice crops. Results showed that all fertilization treatments enhanced root bleeding sap intensity compared to the zero-fertilizer regime, with the highest intensity observed at the heading stages of both main and ratoon crops. The treatment with 70% inorganic and 30% organic nitrogen (GM2) significantly increased root vigor during early and late growth stages, contributing to improved nutrient absorption and utilization. In terms of dry matter accumulation, GM2 exhibited the highest values in stems, sheaths, and panicles, outperforming other treatments, especially at the booting and heading stages. This enhanced accumulation translated into higher grain yields, with GM2 increasing total yields by 10.36% compared to conventional fertilization. Furthermore, nitrogen use efficiency was significantly improved under GM2, with a nitrogen absorption efficiency of 44.37%, surpassing other treatments. The GM2 configuration also resulted in better agronomic utilization efficiency and partial nitrogen productivity, indicating that an appropriate mix of organic and inorganic fertilizers can optimize nutrient allocation, support efficient plant growth, and maximize economic returns. However, higher proportions of organic nitrogen in the mix led to undesirable nitrogen retention in leaves at later growth stages, demonstrating the importance of maintaining a balanced fertilizer configuration for optimal crop performance. Overall, the research suggests that the GM2 treatment provides the best balance of soil nutrient supply, plant growth demands, and yield outcomes, offering a viable strategy for sustainable rice ratooning cultivation.

According to the study’s lead researcher, Dr. Li Zhang, “Our research shows that a balanced combination of organic and inorganic fertilizers not only supports healthy rice growth but also improves nutrient use efficiency and yields. This approach offers a sustainable pathway for enhancing rice production in China, particularly in regions facing labor constraints.”

The research highlights the importance of balanced fertilization in rice ratooning systems, offering a scientifically backed solution to enhance productivity and sustainability in rice farming. By adopting the optimal 30:70 organic to inorganic nitrogen ratio, farmers can achieve higher yields, improve nutrient use efficiency, and contribute to sustainable agricultural practices, ultimately supporting regional food security and economic stability.





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Funding information

This research was supported by the national research grants (2016yfd00300508; 2017YFD0301602; 2018yfd0301105), Fujian Taiwan planting resources creation and green cultivation coordination Innovation Center (Fujian 2011 project, no. 2015-75) and the Science and technology development funds of Fujian agricultural and Forestry University (kf2015043).

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Technology in Agronomy (e-ISSN 2835-9445) is an open access, online-only academic journal sharing worldwide research in breakthrough technologies and applied sciences in agronomy. Technology in Agronomy publishes original research articles, reviews, opinions, methods, editorials, letters, and perspectives in all aspects of applied sciences and technology related to production agriculture, including (but not limited to): agronomy, crop science, soil science, precision agriculture, and agroecology.

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