Newswise Live Press Conference: Mercy Medical Center First in Mid-Atlantic Region to Offer Orthopedic Patients New Mixed Reality Technology Platform for Shoulder Surgery

What: Live, virtual press briefing with Mercy Medical Center surgeon Dr. Gregory Gasbarro, to discuss the advanced new surgical technique using mixed reality to assist in the operating room.

Who: Gregory Gasbarro, MD
Shoulder Fellowship-trained orthopedic surgeon at The Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist and Hand Center at Mercy and the Medical Director of the Shoulder Joint Journey program

When: July 2, 2024, 11:00 AM ET

Where: Newswise Live Zoom Room (address will be included in follow-up email)

Media Register to Attend 

Reporters: if you cannot attend at the time of the event, but you would like to receive the video and transcript afterwards, please register to be added to the list and we will send you those materials as soon as they are available. 



Newswise: Hello and welcome to this newswise live expert Q and A we have with us. Dr Gasparro from Mercy Medical Center. Dr Gasparro, please feel free to go ahead and introduce yourself and tell us about this new surgical technique and technology that you’ve been working with. 

Gasbarro: Sure. Well, I’m a shoulder fellowship trained orthopedic surgeon at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore, Maryland. I’m in charge of what’s called our shoulder joint journey program, which is a perioperative education program around shoulder placement surgery. It allows us to provide education to the patients before, during and after their procedure. And you know, as you may see from this presentation, shoulder replacement surgery and shoulder care in general is my passion, and I hope that shines through. I have a short presentation to give some background information about what we’re talking about today…

Transcript will be updated shortly

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