A recent study (DOI: 10.3934/publichealth.2024017) published in AIMS Public Health on March 18, 2024, reveals that the integration of health education research findings into policy documents in Latin America and the Caribbean is significantly influenced by the strength of scientific evidence, the timeliness of dissemination, and social media activity.
The research meticulously combined quantitative data, including altmetric scores and policy document citations, with qualitative insights from interviews with health policymakers in Peru. Through this multifaceted approach, it was discovered that the timing of research dissemination plays a crucial role; studies that were promptly shared with the public and policymakers had a higher chance of influencing health policies. Moreover, the strength and reliability of the research evidence were found to significantly affect its policy impact, with robust findings being more likely to be utilized in policy formation. Interestingly, the study also highlighted the emerging role of social media as a powerful channel for researchers to amplify their findings’ reach and engagement with policymakers. This blend of traditional and modern dissemination methods underscores a paradigm shift in how research influences health policy, pointing towards a more interconnected and responsive future in health policymaking.
Lead researcher Carlos Vílchez-Román emphasized, “Our study not only highlights the importance of timely, strong scientific evidence in informing health policies but also sheds light on the critical role of social media in disseminating research findings to policy-makers.”
This research underscores the critical intersection between scientific research and health policy-making in Latin America and the Caribbean, highlighting the pivotal role of evidence strength, timely dissemination, and social media in bridging the gap. It provides actionable strategies for researchers and policymakers, aiming to improve health outcomes through more informed, effective policy decisions.
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Funding information
This study is part of the research project Literacy under Covid-19 in Viñani/Alfabetización en Salud en Viñani (ALSAVI) in Tacna-Peru (https://alsavi.org/ and https://www.mmu.ac.uk/news-and-events/news/story/?id=15815) (accessed 15 February 2024). This project is funded by the Universidad Nacional Jorge Basadre Grohmann, Tacna, Peru, via the Canon Minero aid research program. Funding institution: Universidad Nacional Jorge Basadre Grohmann (UNJBG).
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