Our nursing colleagues in Brazil developed an age-appropriate website for pre-school aged children requiring clean intermittent catheterization (CIC). The website includes illustrations along with 2D and 3D animation. Child-friendly characters demonstrate the assembly of materials needed during CIC, handwashing, hygiene of genitalia, and the catheterization technique for both males and females. Content validity was assessed by a team of experts while face validity was assessed by parents of children needing CIC. Read the article for more information.
deAvila, M.A.G., Rabello, T., de Arujo, M. P. B., Amaro, J.L., Zornoff, D. deC. M., Ferreira, A.S.S.B S., & deOliviera, A.S. (2021). Development and validation of an age-appropriate website for children requiring clean intermittent catheterization. Rehabilitation Nursing, 46(2), 65-72.