RUDN University chemists have created and researched new building blocks for creating supramolecules – complex molecular structures. These blocks will allow “tuning” the assembly of supramolecules . The results are published in Molecules .
“Over the past decades, there has been significant progress in the study of supramolecular systems. In the synthesis of complex structures from simple building blocks, hydrogen bonding and metal centers are often used. While creating larger and more complex structures is an important goal, don’t forget to use other interactions to get more complex aggregates. In this sense, the chalcogen bond attracts attention . This is a powerful alternative to hydrogen bonding in supramolecular chemistry,” said Victor Khrustalev, Doctor of Science in Chemitsry, Head of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry at RUDN University
In previous work, the research team has shown new “building blocks” based on selenodiazole . Selenodiazoles are obtained from nitriles – compounds of nitrogen, carbon and radicals. They are connected to each other by chalcogen bonds. The range of possible radicals is quite wide, so selenodiazols can also be obtained in different ways. The advantage of selenodiazoles is the ability to change properties depending on the starting nitrile. The goal of RUDN University chemists was to find out how the composition of the initial nitrile affects the assembly of supramolecules from these blocks using chalcogen bonds.
In total, RUDN University chemists studied 8 selenodiazoles with different structures and discovered 7 new types of structural organization of these building blocks connected by chalcogen bonds. Chemists have managed to establish a connection between the assembly of supramolecules and the structure of the initial nitrile, but it is still impossible to predict in advance which type will be characteristic of different nitriles.
“The recently discovered supramolecular building blocks of selenodiazol are largely unexplored. Their essential advantage is easy structural rearrangement due to changes in nitriles. Theoretically, this could allow fine tuning of their self-assembly. In the future, we plan to study the possibilities of using these new compounds,” said Victor Khrustalev, Doctor of Science in Chemitsry, Head of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry at RUDN University