Mayo Clinic et United Therapeutics prévoient d’augmenter le nombre de poumons disponibles pour les transplantations dans un nouveau bâtiment dédié à la recherche et à l’innovation médicales

Le nouveau Discovery and Innovation Building de la Mayo Clinic en Floride, un bâtiment dédié à la recherche et à l’innovation, a ouvert ses portes le jeudi 22 août. Dans cet endroit, une technologie novatrice augmentera le nombre de poumons disponibles pour les transplantations.

Study shows the social benefits of political incorrectness

But using politically incorrect speech brings some benefits: It’s a powerful way to appear authentic. Researchers at Berkeley Haas found that replacing even a single politically correct word or phrase for a politically incorrect one—“illegal” versus “undocumented” immigrants, for example—makes people view a speaker as more authentic and less likely to be swayed by others.

Fix and prevent health disparities in children by supporting mom, and dad

According to the recent National Academies report on health disparities in children, one of the most important factors in preventing and addressing disparities is the well-being of the child’s primary caregiver. This finding is based on decades of developmental psychology research from Arizona State University scientists and others. When the primary caregiver is supported, the caregiver-child attachment can buffer against adversities like poverty, trauma and chronic stress.

Cannabis and Mental Health: Legalization Spurs Need for New Research

Now that cannabis has been legalized for recreational use in Canada, there’s a growing need for research exploring the mental health implications of increased access to cannabis. That’s the focus of the September Special Issue of the Canadian Journal of Addiction, official publication of the Canadian Society of Addiction Medicine. The journal is published in the Lippincott portfolio by Wolters Kluwer.