COVID-19 Expert Panel Live Event Series – Media Invited to Attend and Submit Questions, 2 PM EDT Thursday March 12 and 2 PM EDT Monday March 16

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Newswise Live Expert Panel discussion of unique angles to the COVID-19 outbreak of interest to the public and the media, including public health, testing, business and financial markets, 2020 elections, and more.

Experts from institutions including Binghamton University, AACC, Rutgers, Weill Cornell Medical College, Georgetown, and more will participate in a two-part series of moderated expert panels covering a wide variety of topics, with questions prepared by Newswise editors and submissions from media attendees.

Who: Panelists TBA

When: Thursday, March 12 at 2 PM EDT and Monday, March 16 at 2 PM EDT

Where: Newswise Live event space on Zoom –

This live event will also be recorded and transcribed for use by media and communicators after it is concluded.

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