COVID-19 big picture: For many years, Pinar Keskinocak has studied how society and the nation handle pandemics.

For many years, Pinar Keskinocak has studied how pandemics spread through the nation, how they overburden health care systems, and how they diminish the supply of medications, thus worsening the pandemic. All this also spins off additional medical crises. She also has recommendations and detailed models on beating pandemics, which will take a massive national effort for COVID-19.

Keskinocak has studied how pandemics run their courses front to back with the goal of improving how societies deal with them. And now COVID-19 has landed in her lap. She can speak to the present and the future and the probabilities of a second wave of the pandemic.


William W. George Chair and Professor in Georgia Tech’s H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Director of the Center for Health and Humanitarian Systems at the Georgia Institute of Technology, President of The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (Not Georgia Tech).

Note: First reference is Georgia Institute of Technology, second reference Georgia Tech. The term “University” is not part of the Institute’s name.

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