Drug-Induced Liver Injury, Translational microRNA Biomarkers, and More Featured in January 2021 Toxicological Sciences

Volume 179, Issue 1, of Toxicological Sciences, the Society of Toxicology’s official journal, offers an engaging slate of research in toxicology, from endocrine toxicology and biomarkers to genetic and epigenetic toxicology and mixtures toxicology.

The January 2021 edition features a Contemporary Review exploring “Can We Panelize Seizure?” alongside two Tox Spotlight articles:

You also are encouraged to join the conversation around “A Need for Regulatory Thinking for Amyloid-Based Biomaterials,” the subject of this month’s ToxPoint article. Remember that ToxPoint articles include a commenting feature to allow readers to offer their perspective and engage with their peers on timely and important issues in the toxicological sciences.

For this and other leading toxicology research, refer to the January 2021 issue of Toxicological Sciences.