Thrombosis in cancer

Ever since the association between cancer and thrombosis was reported by Jean-Baptiste Bouillaud in the early 19th century, cancer-associated thrombosis has remained a challenging domain of cancer management. Thrombosis can at times be a lead to cancer diagnosis, while it often complicates medical situations as a coexisting disorder.

Cancer-associated thrombosis is a broad area but can be parsed into “bite-size” pieces that are easily “digestible” for consumption for the learner. The day of the giant 1,000-page medical tome is over. This is a book that highlights an important subject in an easy and to-the-point quick read that will not bore you with endless unnecessary detail. This book ‘Thrombosis in Cancer: A Medical Professional’s Guide to Cancer Associated Thrombosis’ will turn you into a knowledgeable physician in this field in the shortest amount of time.

It is a compilation that serves to provide the reader a comprehensive review of the current medical literature and guidelines for cancer-associated thrombosis.

‘Thrombosis in Cancer: A Medical Professional’s Guide to Cancer Associated Thrombosis’ is clinically oriented as compared to some in-depth basic science coverages of preexisting books on CAT. Our primary target audience naturally remains generalists and graduate-level trainees. We have strived to stay current in terms of literature review. Specifically, we notice a paucity of evidence-based literature on thrombosis prophylaxis among cancer patients. We hope to infuse interest among our audience through an easy read of a complex entity that includes specific clinical situations and challenges, and hopefully a palatable end produce. We hope to bring relevant updates in our future versions as this field continues to evolve and new studies and literature informs future guidelines and practice.


About the Editor:

Supratik Rayamaihi MD is a medical school graduate of TUTH, Kathmandu, Nepal and completed his Internal Medicine residency training from Michigan State University, East Lansing. He is an Associate Professor of Medicine and serves as an Interim Chair and residency Program Director in the Department of Medicine at College of Human Medicine, Michigan State University.


Thrombosis, VTE prophylaxis, Malignancy, VTE treatment, Venous thromboembolism, Idiopathic VTE, Trousseau syndrome, Coagulation in cancer, Cancer associated thrombosis, Anticoagulants, Hypercoagulability, Pulmonary embolism, Risks for VTE, Cancer treatment, Cancer costs.

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