Baltimore bridge collapse, port closure leads to supply chain concerns: Experts available for comment

In the wake of the Francis Scott Key bridge collapse on March 26, most of the Port of Baltimore’s freight and oil terminals, East Coast and international supply chains may be at risk of a longer closure, according to supply chain experts from Northern Arizona University.

While the Port of Baltimore is a top-20 U.S. freight port, there are many alternative container ports on the U.S. East Coast that can be used to reroute freight, so freight delays likely will be limited to days or weeks, not months. However, because Baltimore produces much of its own fuel locally at oil refineries fed by crude oil imported through the port, fuel supplies will be under pressure in the area and fuel price increases—but not shortages—can be expected in Baltimore in coming months. Additionally, the large Domino Sugar refinery ships bulk product from the port, so modest sugar supply chain delays are possible in the eastern U.S. in coming months. 

Experts Ben Ruddell and Richard Rushforth of NAU are available to speak further about supply chain challenges to come in Baltimore.






What is FEWSION?

FEWSION, which is funded by the National Science Foundation, uses comprehensive data mapping to monitor domestic supply chains down to individual U.S. countries. It was developed to give government officials and emergency managers accurate information about their supply chains so they can be aware of the risks from hurricanes, pandemics, geopolitical issues and other factors that can affect supply chains, thus helping communities and states plan and give confidence to consumers as they understand how resilient their supply chains are. FEW-View™, the supply chain visualization website, is available to the public.

