Rutgers Extension Agent Can Discuss How to Protect Against Ticks, Lyme Disease

New Brunswick, N.J. (June 15, 2020) – Rutgers University–New Brunswick Professor Amy Rowe is available for interviews on how to protect you and your family from ticks and Lyme disease, including how to reduce tick habitat around your home.

“Right now is prime tick season, so please check yourself, your kids and your pets for ticks after being outdoors,” said Rowe, an associate professor and county agent at Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Essex and Passaic counties. “Deer ticks carry Lyme and other diseases, so be sure to check daily. Immature ticks called nymphs are most active from mid-May through early July. The nymphs are tiny and people often don’t notice them, which is why they are responsible for most Lyme cases.”

Here’s a link to a “Protect Yourself From Ticks & Lyme Disease” PDF:  

Rowe is slated to give a June 22 webinar on the topic:

To interview Rowe, contact Todd Bates at


Broadcast interviews: Rutgers University has broadcast-quality TV and radio studios available for remote live or taped interviews with Rutgers experts. For more information, contact Neal Buccino at

Rutgers University–New Brunswick is where Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, began more than 250 years ago. Ranked among the world’s top 60 universities, Rutgers’s flagship is a leading public research institution and a member of the prestigious Association of American Universities. It has an internationally acclaimed faculty, 12 degree-granting schools and the Big Ten Conference’s most diverse student body.

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