Dr. Chase Anderson Talks About Identity Wednesday, August 5 at 3pm EST
When asked to define the word “identity,” many think of their name or their job title. But identity is so much more than that—it is the sum of gender, sexuality, culture, ethnicity, and more. How we choose to identify ourselves can affect more than our drivers licenses, LinkedIn accounts or social circles—it can impact our mental health.
Join us on Wednesday, August 5 at 3pm EST as Dr. Chase Anderson shares how identity applies to mental health, how we can encourage and support others in discovering their identities, and answers your questions about identity and its relationship with our mental well-being.
Sign up now for the next in our series of webinars to support mental health in our community.
As a leader in mental health care, McLean Hospital recognizes the need for reliable and helpful mental health resources. With this in mind, we have dedicated the time of our staff to ensure we are making free resources available for the public and professionals in hopes of promoting healthy individuals and communities.
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