HK Tech Forum on Carbon Neutrality and Sustainable Environment

HK Tech Forum on Carbon Neutrality and Sustainable Environment

Date & Time: 5 to 8 October 2022

Venue: Virtual


Registration here (


Energy transition to clean and renewable energy is an urgent task for all of us to tackle both the climate and environmental crises that loom before us. Hong Kong Institute for Clean Energy (HKICE) offers a timely scientific Forum on Carbon Neutrality and Sustainable Environment that unites world-renowned scholars and researchers in promoting interdisciplinary dialogue on the challenges and future prospects of next-generation energy development and applications. The forum will be conducted in an atmosphere similar to the Gordon Research Conference, providing visionary knowledge with the latest scientific findings and innovative technologies on clean energy development with ample opportunities for discussions. A broad range of topics related to scalable photovoltaics, stable and reliable battery technologies, and smart energy saving and grid technologies for various device applications will be covered. Challenges in energy generation, utilization, storage, distribution as well as the latest development in carbon capture and zero-carbon nuclear energy will be discussed.

The forum will consist a series of keynote lectures, invited talks, discussion and sharing sessions featuring the following leading areas:

Join us as frontrunners and be part of the community to increase sustainability efforts and cut carbon footprint!

Featured Speaker

Jeffrey D. Sachs

Columbia University, USA 

Recipient of 2022 Tang Prize

Jeffrey D. Sachs is awarded the 2022 Tang Prize in Sustainable Development for leading transdisciplinary sustainability science and creating the multilateral movement for its applications from village to nation and the world. He is University Professor and Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University, where he directed the Earth Institute from 2002 until 2016.


Presented by: HK Tech Forum & Hong Kong Institute for Advanced Study, and Hong Kong Institute for Clean Energy, City University of Hong Kong