Being Kind is Good for Your Health: It’s Random Acts of Kindness Week

Kindness can have a positive effect on both recipients and givers. February 11-17 is designated as Random Acts of Kindness Week. Random Acts of Kindness Day is February 17.

Stephen G. Post, PhD, director of the Center for Medical Humanities, Compassionate Care, and Bioethics at Stony Brook University is an expert on giving and kindness and often discusses:

-How giving and showing kindness is proven to be healthy

-Multiple studies and models that show how helping others benefits health from mental health, and physical such as reduced stress and cardiovascular condition

-What is the science of kindness?

-What does it do for others and yourself?

-Ways/tips on how to be kind

Interviews with Dr. Stephen G. Post from Stony Brook University can be conducted. 

To schedule an interview, contact Kali Chan, Director of Medicine Media Relations at 631-487-4092 or